Contact Us

To contact us please email us at
Or - call us - 1-808-783-1885
Contact us if you are you looking for custom wall art...
Considering hand painted tile murals?
Thinking about custom tile murals?
Are you planning a kitchen remodel or bathroom renovation?
Visit our other website showcasing custom wall art:
Our "other" website showcases custom-designed Hawaii wall art, tile murals, mosaics, and our other unique Hawaii artwork.
It's a great place to get ideas for kitchen remodeling or bathroom renovations. We specialize in creating unique artwork for home and business.
Looking for custom designs for your home or office?
We have been creating custom-designed Hawaii wall art, triptychs, mosaics, and our other unique Hawaii artwork for homes and businesses for more than 20 years.
We are artisans and craftsmen who create quality Hawaii art that will last for generations.
To browse through our portfolio of custom artwork... visit
Contact us via email at
Or call 1-808-783-1885